Do you want to know some great ways of economising on your auto insurance costs. Here are just a few of the ways you can do it. We know we all need to have car insurance, but it's not getting any easier in these days of financial turmoil. That doesn't mean you have to blindly pay whatever your insurer quotes though, as there are several simple things you can do to reduce the cost of your premiums.
First, shop around and buy online: Figures show that many people simply renew their current policies without shopping around. The internet makes it easy to compare prices from different insurers, so why not take advantage of this? Plus, you'll usually get a discount of 10% or more just for buying your policy online.
Now, think about what kind of policy your car and situation merits. For example, if you go for third party, fire & theft, you can significantly reduce your monthly premiums compared to a comprehensive policy.
Thirdly, there's the no claims discounts: Nearly all policies feature a discount that increases for every year you don't make a claim. The higher the discount available, the more you could save. It's also possible to protect your no claims discount for the life of your policy, so that even if you had to make a claim, you would still be able to maintain your no claims discount level.
Look at what excess you have on your current policy, this is the amount you pay before the insurer picks up the claim. You will get a cheaper car insurance premium of you choose to pay a higher excess.
Security: Fitting your vehicle with an alarm, immobiliser, or other security devices can lead to premium reductions. If you have a garage with your house, you can say you keep your car locked in your garage overnight instead of leaving it on the street, thus making it more secure and again giving you a further reduction.
By paying your car insurance annually, you will save compared to paying monthly premiums. So definitely pay annually if you can, but if you can't manage this, then find the insurers who don't charge extra for the monthly payment method.
Next, you can save more if you just use your car for social, domestic and pleasure only compared to if you used it for commuting. Even if you can't reduce your mileage, make sure you're not overestimating how much you actually do drive, and give your insurer an accurate figure.
First, shop around and buy online: Figures show that many people simply renew their current policies without shopping around. The internet makes it easy to compare prices from different insurers, so why not take advantage of this? Plus, you'll usually get a discount of 10% or more just for buying your policy online.
Now, think about what kind of policy your car and situation merits. For example, if you go for third party, fire & theft, you can significantly reduce your monthly premiums compared to a comprehensive policy.
Thirdly, there's the no claims discounts: Nearly all policies feature a discount that increases for every year you don't make a claim. The higher the discount available, the more you could save. It's also possible to protect your no claims discount for the life of your policy, so that even if you had to make a claim, you would still be able to maintain your no claims discount level.
Look at what excess you have on your current policy, this is the amount you pay before the insurer picks up the claim. You will get a cheaper car insurance premium of you choose to pay a higher excess.
Security: Fitting your vehicle with an alarm, immobiliser, or other security devices can lead to premium reductions. If you have a garage with your house, you can say you keep your car locked in your garage overnight instead of leaving it on the street, thus making it more secure and again giving you a further reduction.
By paying your car insurance annually, you will save compared to paying monthly premiums. So definitely pay annually if you can, but if you can't manage this, then find the insurers who don't charge extra for the monthly payment method.
Next, you can save more if you just use your car for social, domestic and pleasure only compared to if you used it for commuting. Even if you can't reduce your mileage, make sure you're not overestimating how much you actually do drive, and give your insurer an accurate figure.
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